Trying again

好久没有更博了…And maybe it’s time for me to do it again.

自从上一次写博客之后又发生了很多事情。这里就不赘述了。Anyway emm.

我打算重新尝试写博客。虽然感觉有一点点的麻烦,但这是一种share的方式。之后打算主要分享一些自己的ideas或experience, 而不会分享一些琐碎的小事。

转眼已经半年过去了,再过几个月我就要大二和奔二了。下面分享两篇文章。一篇是蜗壳力学A的刘衍文老师在期末结束时发的文章,是 Steven Weinberg 先生的 《Four golden lessons》;另一篇是我今天刷到一篇文章 《Turning off my phone improved my science》。顺便说一下下学期的一些期许。

Four golden lessons

我是一月前看的,现在印象最深的是 Weinberg 劝诫我们要学会do researches,不管课堂是多么的平常或困难。我的社会与科学研讨课的柳必恒老师也是那么说的。说来惭愧,这个寒假过得有一些小水。希望下学期可以多做一些自己想做的事,思考一些有意思的问题,而不是去卷绩。并且希望可以自己或和小伙伴一起做一个小项目,话说下学期有电磁学小论文来着。还想多认识几个小伙伴。i mean it.

Turning off my phone improved my science

As I began to search for the cause of my struggles, I became increasingly aware that my ‘quiet time’ at the lab bench — for instance, when I was running chromatography columns or microscopy experiments — was anything but. Instead of thinking about science, I was watching television or interacting with social media on my smartphone. Although I could mask this inefficiency with longer hours, my work felt chaotic and disorganized. I was working more than ever, but getting less done. I would come home from a long day in the lab and respond to e-mails or Slack messages over dinner or in bed. This all came to a head last summer, when my inability to balance work and life led me to seek help from the university’s student mental-health services.

Through a combination of counselling and personal reflection, I came to understand my problem: I was addicted to my phone.


i think it’s worth the try.

我准备好了!我准备好了 —— 海绵宝宝

  • 本文标题:Trying again
  • 本文作者:Chin-ming
  • 创建时间:2022-02-16 14:55:12
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